Lucca Comics

What is Lucca Comics & Games?
Lucca Comics & Games is one of Europe’s largest festivals dedicated to comics, games, video games, fantasy literature, manga, anime, animated films, TV series, and cosplay. Held from November 1st to 5th, 2023, this event attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world, creating a unique and inclusive atmosphere that celebrates the passion for art and entertainment​ (LuccaC&G)​​ (LuccaC&G)​.

Themes of 2023
The 2023 edition focused on the theme “Together,” representing a “community of communities” that brings together people from different cultures and passions in a welcoming and inclusive environment. This theme was beautifully captured by twin brothers Asaf and Tomer Hanuka in the festival’s official poster​ (LuccaC&G)​. Key themes ranged from comics to video games, music to cosplay, with a particular emphasis on diversity and inclusion​ (LuccaC&G)​.

[OMNIUM]XR’s Role at Lucca Comics 2023
[OMNIUM]XR played a crucial role in integrating virtual sports experiences throughout the festival. We introduced interactive installations that allowed visitors to experience virtual sports in an immersive way, promoting inclusivity and cohesion through gameplay. Our booth served as a meeting point for technology and sports enthusiasts, offering a unique and unforgettable experience for all attendees.